Friday, 29 August 2014

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Games

Playing games has recently become type of favourite entertainment,especially for teenagers. Every aspect has it advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of playing games are
we spend most of our time at home than spending time with peer friends at the mall or park. Thus,we will avoid getting into drugs and alcohol which are usually influenced by friends. In addition, I'm sure playing games can make us become more focus as we
always train ourself not to get distracted by the surrounding when we play games. Both of our left and right side of brain will work as we're actually use them to think of strategies and rules during the game.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of playing games are we might not get too many exposure to the outside world as we only keep ourself in the room,focusing on the game. We'll tend to be lazy to socialize or anti-social with people,neighbour or even our family. Besides, playing games can make us forget about our major responsibility to study. It also will make us become
unhealthy because it keep us from playing real sport and it can be a worse addiction which every teenagers should avoid.

By: Hidayah Nazri

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Do Girls Play Games?

"I know it sounds stupid but I never met one or heard of a girl that plays video games. Is it because the gender gap in the gaming industry? like there are not many games with a female protagonist, the only ones I know is Bayonetta and Lollipop Chainsaw which both of them target male gamers because they have a LOT of fan service. Are there any female gamers out there? And is it true that the ones out there are ugly and fat?"
                                                                                             boy's words.                     
No, please don't get me wrong. Ain't going to make any controversy here. peace yo! I just wanna discuss bout this. So, do girls play games? Yeah girls do play games. There are a lot of games for girls out there. Barbie games, princess games.......

But the real question is, "do girls play video games?" or is it only boys conquer the video games? Well as we'd already known games can be played by everyone, either male or female. 

I read that about 31% of gamers are women. The average gamer is about 30 years old and has been gaming for 13 years. And I think, not to sure, but I am pretty sure I read that 17% of the gaming community are boys aged 17 or younger. I could be wrong though. So about 31% are women, 17% are boys 17 and younger, and 52% are men ages 18 and older.

I think those statements are convince enough to answer that question - do girls play video games?

Let's proceed to the next point, "is it true that the ones out there are ugly and fat?" Lol there are also fat and ugly gamer boys, so what's the problem? Sorry if I'm being emotional :')

As a conclusion, girls do play games. And you can go on YouTube and you'll find a lot of gamer girls who are actually really attractive.


Introduction About Games

Games is something that people do to cheer up their life and to overcome their stress. Games also a competitive one played according to rule and decided by skill, strength and luck. Its also the key components of challenges and interactions. Many games can help us to develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise instead of generally influence our mental and physical stimulation and maybe often both. 

Games are a universal part of people experience and present in all cultures. Games can divided into various types such as sport games, lawn games, tabletop games and board games. The most type of games that popular among people especially children are card games, dice games and also video games. For those who are addicted using an internet connection, they will choose an online games. 

To play any type of games, you should know the tools, the rules or even strategy, skills and chance in order to be the winner. Games are often classified by the components required to play them. Games that involve with sport such as basketball, football, cricket and volleyball have their own tools. Many game tools are meant to represent other things. A token may be a pawn on a board, play money or an intangible item such as a point scored. Games such as hide-and-seek, do not use any obvious tools rather their activities is defined by environment. 

Whereas games are often characterized by their tools, they are often defined by their rules. Rules are subject to variations and changes in any type of games. Rules generally determine turn order, the rights and responsibilities of the players and each player's goals. Each type of games have their own rules in order to make one of them become the real winner or real champion. 

By: Najaa