The advantages of playing games are
we spend most of our time at home than spending time with peer friends at the mall or park. Thus,we will avoid getting into drugs and alcohol which are usually influenced by friends. In addition, I'm sure playing games can make us become more focus as we
always train ourself not to get distracted by the surrounding when we play games. Both of our left and right side of brain will work as we're actually use them to think of strategies and rules during the game.
On the other hand, the disadvantages of playing games are we might not get too many exposure to the outside world as we only keep ourself in the room,focusing on the game. We'll tend to be lazy to socialize or anti-social with people,neighbour or even our family. Besides, playing games can make us forget about our major responsibility to study. It also will make us become
unhealthy because it keep us from playing real sport and it can be a worse addiction which every teenagers should avoid.
By: Hidayah Nazri
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