Mankind started to play games since the ancient past. Hence, there is no lie that everyone has the urge to play any sort of games because of our ancestors habit of playing games to past the time. Progressing towards the future, the games we played starts to change and becomes more complex and has the influence of gambling.
In 3000 BC - 0 BC, games started to develop such as the Royal Game of Ur also known as the Game of Twenty Squares which is one of the oldest example of a board game. Following it is the game of "Wei-qi" which was originated from ancient China. The objective of the game is to surround a larger surface area of the board than your opponent. Although its relatively simple rules, the game requires significant strategy and philosophy to dominate the game.
Further down the road, a new era begins and games started to evolve and branched out even more. The infamous game of chess was born in India and spreads towards Europe and also Asia by travelers. Now, chess have been one of the most popular board game in the world with more than half of the world's population know what is Chess. Then, Backgammon was also been played back in the days. One of the history of backgammon is the record of Emperor Claudius playing the early Backgammon. Other famous games in the early time till the 1900's is tarots(card games), snakes and ladders and also checkers.
Last but not least, the modern type of games which is video games. Video games have been around since the 1950s. The video games of the past were more simple in every way. They did not have any story line, the controls were just a few buttons for example only arrow keys were used for racing games and has very simple visuals. For examples are Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda and also Pokemon. As the years go by, video games start to evolve and change. The evolution and changes that took place were probably mainly caused by the advancement of technology. This has affected the graphic of the games, longer story line, and better and smoother game play. A few examples of the latest games are Battlefield 4, FIFA 15 and also Grand Theft Auto V which uses the latest technology.
- Nurrin Akhyar
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